Supports |
Network Analyzers, Spectrum Analyzers, Modulation Analyzers, Oscilloscopes, Arbitrary waveform generators and Vector Signal Generators. |
Chart Types |
Cartesian- linear and log, Polar, Smith, Admittance Smith, Eye Diagram, Vector Modulation (Cartesian, polar, rotated), Constellation, Nichols, Antenna Polar, Code Domain Power, Bargraph. |
Channels |
A channel represents a different view of the measurements in the data stores. Up to 16 channels can be defined. The Graph area can show any one of the channels, or can be configured to show multiple channels on separate charts. Various channel layouts are supported, such as 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 charts. |
Graph Data Formats |
Linear magn, Log magn, re/im, VSWR, Phase, Group Delay, Unwrapped Phase, Impedance (re/im/mag), Inductance, Capacitance, Series/Parallel Quality Factor. |
Data Storage |
SoftPlot (Standard and Lite) : 16 complex trace stores, arbitrary number of points (limited by available
system RAM). |
Markers |
Up to 100 markers and/or delta markers |
Limit lines |
Up to 100 arbitrary line segments for limits testing |
Scaling |
Up to 2 independent vertical scales |
Numerical |
Electrical delay, Smoothing, Magnitude and Phase offset, Magnitude Slope |
Trace maths |
+, -, /, x, Log, Magn, Phase, Square-root, Anti-Log, Group Delay, Derivative, Mismatch loss factor, Rollet''s Stability Factor K, Stability Factor B, Edwards-Sinsky Stability Mu, Max Unilateral power gain, Max Available Gain, Max Stable Gain, Z0 Renormalisation, No. of Bit Differences, Max Value, Min Value, Standard 3 or 4 port S-Parameters to Mixed Mode S-Parameters, Timebase Delay, Smoothing, Wraparound Smoothing, Pair of Scalar traces to Complex trace, Complex Reflection to VSWR, Complex Refl to impedance, dB Reflection to VSWR, mW to dBm, dBm to mW, T-Check quotient, Convert S21 measurement of shunt component to S11, Sorting Ascending/Descending, Antenna Signal Envelope Correlation, Real part, Imaginary part, Complex conjugate, Merge data, Resample data onto new X-axis, Unwrapped Phase, De-embedding 2-port S-Parameters, Envelope of RF Signal, Standard 2-port to Differential 1-port S-Parameters. |
Data Editing |
Trace data can be edited, cut, copied and pasted in the Table view |
Templates |
Measurement template files. Copy attributes from template files, such as limits, markers, annotation, graticule |
Integrated Interfaces: |
OLE2 Linking and Embedding Server (allows compound documents with SoftPlot measurements embedded in Word, PowerPoint, etc) :- Copy within SoftPlot and Paste in trarget document. Double - click in the document to open the measurement for editing. COM (ActiveX Automation) and DDE Server (for automated operation with test system software) |
File Formats:(all bi-directional except Graphics and MAT formats) |
SoftPlot (*.SPT), MIPlot (*.MPT), Keysight EEsof, Cadence-AWR MW Office, Eagleware GENESYS (*.S1P.. S99P), Ansoft Super Compact (*.FLP), Spreadsheet (*.CSV), Tab Delimited (*.TXT), MathCad (*.PRN), Citifile (*.F??,D??), BMP, TIFF, JPEG, WMF, EMF, PNG, MatLab (*.MAT), Anritsu VNA Master (*.MNA) |
Network Analyzers |
Advantest R3753H, R3764/65/66/67H, R3765/67G, R3860A, R3770, R3768 Anritsu Wiltron 360, 371xx/372xx/373xx, MS20XXC VNA Master, MS3401A/B, MS462XX, MS4630B, VectorStar MS4640A, Site Master SxxxA/B series, S820E Microwave Site Master, ShockLine MS46122A/B / MS46322A/B / MS4652XA/B, 54xxA/541xxA/56100A series scalar analyzers Ceyear 3661/3672 Series Copper Mountain Technologies Planar SNVNA, SxVNA, TRVNA, RVNA) R60, TR1300/1, S5048, 808/1, Cx409, Cx420 Hioki IM3570 Hewlett - Packard 3577A, 3589A, 8510, 8711-14B/C, ES, ET, 8751/52/53, 8720 series, E5100A/B; 4195, 4395A, 4396A/B Network/Spectrum Analyzer 4192A, 4194A, 4284A, 4291A/B, 4294A, E4991 Impedance Analyzer 8756, 8757 Scalar Analyzer, 8903A/B Audio Analyzer 4145A/B, 4155/56 Semiconductor Param. Analyzers 4280 Capacitance Meter; 4352B VCO / PLL Signal Analyzer Keysight/Agilent E5061/62/63/70/71A/B/C, E5080A ENA, E835XA/B/C, E836XA/B/C, N522XA, N523XA, N524XA PNA, PNA-X Series, FieldFox (N9912A..N9938A); M9485A, M937xA PXIe/USB Series Marconi Instruments / IFR / Aeroflex / Cobham 6210 reflection analyzer, 6200, 6800 series Microwave Test Sets Mini-Circuits eVNA-63+ PicoVNA 106/108 (requires PicoVNA 5 sw) Rohde & Schwarz ZVA/ZVB/ZVT series, ZVH, ZVL, ZVR/ZVC/ZVM/ZVK series, ZNB/ ZNBT/ ZNC/ZND series, ZNL/ZNLE Series Wayne Kerr 6500B Impedance Analyzer Wiltron 560A / 6600 Scalar Analyzer system Tektronix 370 Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer |
Spectrum Analyzers |
Advantest R3131/3132/3162, R3261/3361, R3265/3271, R3267/3273, R3463/3465, R3671/81, U3641, U3751, U3771, U3772, U4941, R4131 series, TR4135 Aeroflex / Cobham / IFR / Marconi Instruments AN940, IFR2394, 2395, 2397, 2398, 2399, 2399A/B/C, 3250, 3280, 6800, 8800/8800S series Ando AQ6317 Optical Spectrum Analyzer Anritsu MS2602, MS2650/60, MS2665C, MS2667C, MS2668C, MS2702, MS2802, MS2830 / MS2840A / MS2850A, MS612A, MS2711A/B/D, MS2721A/B, MS272XC/T MT8801B Radio Comms Analyzer, MT8220 UMTS Master, MS9030A (MV02) Optical Spectrum Analyzer Hewlett - Packard 3561A, 3562A, 35660, 35665, 35670A, 3582, 3585, 3588/89A, 4195, 4395A, 4396A/B , 8542E / 8546A, 8560/1/2/3/4/5, 8566A/B, 8568A/B, 8569B, 8590 series, HP8594EM EMI Receiver; 70000 series8920/22 Wireless Comms Test Set Keysight / Agilent / HP CSA, E44XXA/B ESA-E, ESA-L, PSA, E7400, CXA, EXA, MXA, MXE, PXA, UXA series, L1500A, N9912A-N9938A, E5052A Signal Source Analyzer, 8960 Wireless Comms Test Set (GSM), 89600 series, N9340,N9342C/43C/44C Series, FieldFox (N99xxA, N99xxB) LG Precision SA-9270 / SA-7270 Marconi Instruments 2380 and 2390 series; 2945 series (spectrum only), 2965 series (graphical displays only) Rohde & Schwarz ESMI, ESCI, ESCS, ESIB, ESU, ESPI, ESRP, ETL, FPC/FSC Series, FPS, FSA/B/M, FSE, FSG, FSH (opt K1), FSIQ, FSL, FSP, FSQ, FSU, FSUP,FSV, FSW, FSWP, FS-K40 phase noise option, CMS50 series (spectrum analyzer display only), CMD55/65, CMU200 (3GPP FDD/GSM/EDGE/Btooth), CMU300 (GSM/EDGE), PR100 Portable Receiver Scientific Atlanta SD385 Tektronix 2711/2712, 2714/2715, 492P/AP/BP, 494P, RSA3303A/08A, RSA5100B, RSA6106A/RSA6114A, RSA306 (via SignalVu-PC) Willtek/Aeroflex 9100 Series |
Modulation Analyzers |
Advantest R3264/3267/3273 (Opt62 3GPP), R3671/81 (Opt50 3GPP, Opt68 OFDM, Opt59 IEEE802.11b/g) Anritsu MS269XA, MS2830A, MS8604A, MS8608A/MS8609A Transmitter Tester MT8820A Radio Comms Analyzer, MT8852A Bluetooth Analyzer Hewlett Packard 53310 modulation domain analyzer 5372A Frequency / Time Interval Analyzer 71500/70820A Microwave transition analyzer 5361B Counter Keysight / Agilent / HP 89400, 8981B, E4406, ESA, EXA, MXA, PSA, PXA, UXA, 89600A/B VSA IFR / Marconi Instruments 2310 Tetra modulation analyzer, 2319E RF Digitiser Pendulum CNT-80 / 81 / 85; CNT-90 / 91 / 91R / 91XL Counter Rohde & Schwarz AMIQ ARB (Memory Buffer), FSE series with Digital Demodulation option B7, FSIQ, FSIQ-B70, FSP-B70, FSG/FSP/FSQ/ FSU/FSV/FSW IQ Capture, FSIQ-K72 WCDMA Analysis, FS-K70, FS-K40 options FS-K96 OFDM analysis RTO-K11 (IQ decimation option) Tektronix WCA230A/280A, RSA5100B, RSA6106A/RSA6114A Wandel & Goltermann PCM-4 PCM channel test set |
Vector Signal Generators and Arbitrary Waveform Generators |
Anritsu MG3700A, MS269xA opt020, MS2830A opt020/1 Keysight / Agilent / HP EESG-B (4433-4437B) Option UND ARB Memory ESG-C (4438C), PSG ARB Memory, EXG N517XBMXG N5182A with Option 651/652/654, MXG N518XB, M8190A Arb IFR 3410 with ARB Memory (Opt 005) Keithley 2910 Vector Signal Generator (Opt 2910-ARB) Rohde & Schwarz AMIQ / SMIQ / SMJ / SMBV / SMU / SMW ARB Memory Tektronix AWG2021 Arb (Opt 02 dual channel), AWG400/500/600/710, AFG3000, AWG5000/ 7000/B series, TSG4100 Thurlby-Thandar TGA12100 Arb |
Oscilloscopes |
Fluke/Philips PM3350/55/65/75 Series,PM338XA/PM339XA CombiScope Series Hameg HMO352x, HMO2524, HMO72x .. HMO202x Keysight / Agilent / HP DSO3000, DSO5000, MSO6000, DSO7000, MSO7000, MSO8000, DSO9000, 90000 Series, 54111/12D, 54120 Series, 54200, 54502A, 54520/40C, 54600/1/2/3, 54610/15/16, 54621/22/24A/D, 54641/2/4A/D, 54645A/D, 54750, 548XXA, 80000 Infiniium, 83480, InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series, 3000 X-Series, 4000 X-Series, S Series DSO/MSO, V Series DSO/MSO LeCroy LC300/LC500/9300, WaveRunner/WaveMaster/WavePro, SDA, DDA Series Rigol DS6000 series Rohde & Schwarz RTB , RTO, RTE Tektronix 11000 / DSA60x / CSA Digitiser, TDS 200 to 800 series, TBS 2000, TDS1000/2000/3000/4000/5000/8000, TDS3000B, DPO/MSO2000B, DPO/MSO3000, MDO 3000, DPO 4000, MSO/DPO 5000, DPO7000, DPO70000, DSA70000, 2220, 2230, 2232, 2432A, 2440, 7D20, 7854 SCD1000 / SCD5000 Transient Recorder Yokogawa DL1520/DL1540, DL1740 / DL7100 / DL7200, DL750 / DL750P / DL850 / DL850V Series |
Others |
Boonton 4400 / 4500 Peak Power Meter Keysight/Agilent EPM-P Series Power Meter, N8972/3/4/5A NFA Series Noise Figure Meter 66319B/D, 66321B/D Series PSU Hewlett Packard HP8970A/B Noise Figure Meter; HP 8990/8991 Peak Power Analyzer; HP 85719A Noise Figure Card in HP859XE; HP 85671A Phase Noise Card in HP8560/90 Rohde & Schwarz NRP xxS(N) sensor family |
Minimum system requirement |
PC running Microsoft Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7, XP. |
GPIB card(Note SoftPlot can also use RS-232, VISA and LAN sockets if the instrument supports it) |
National Instruments (, type PC-IIA, AT-GPIB/TNT, PCI-GPIB, PCMCIA-GPIB, GPIB-USB-A/B/HS or equivalent Agilent / Hewlett-Packard 82335, 82340, 82341, 82350, 82357A/B Prologix ( GPIB-USB 4.2, GPIB-Ethernet 1.2 or higher |
Price & Delivery: |
Please enquire for a quotation if you wish to raise a Purchase Order. Alternatively, you can Purchase Online - the fastest and easiest way to buy your software is by visiting our Web Shop. Delivery within 10 working days |
Address To: |
Aphena Ltd.,
Tel +44 (0)1223 700499 |
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SoftPlot and Network Analyzers
SoftPlot and Spectrum Analyzers
SoftPlot and Modulation Analyzers